Designed for Success | Business Growth Using Human Design Artwork

Designed for Success | Business Growth Using Human Design

Are you a coach or online entrepreneur who’s frustrated and disappointed with the lack of growth of your online business? Then The Designed for Success: Business Growth Using Human Design podcast is for you. 

This is the podcast where we're breaking all the rules you’ve been taught about marketing and selling your business online and in their place we’re creating our own rules based on our unique Human Design. 

In these episodes, Patti is on a mission to help you transform the way you approach marketing and selling so you can build a thriving online business using strategies  that align with your values, feel authentically like you and leave you excited to build your business again. Patti, the most “un-woo” Human Design mentor you may ever meet, is a business coach & mentor and is bringing her 20 years experience in online business & marketing together with coaching and Human Design to help you create the impact & income you've been working toward in a way that feels sustainable, safe and seriously fun!

If you’re ready to say goodbye to frustration and burnout and hello to a coaching business that not only survives but thrives you will definitely want to tune in. 

Designed for Success | Business Growth Using Human Design

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