Designed for Success | Business Growth Using Human Design

S2E5 | Business Growth Using Human Design (Part 5): The Impact of Your Energy Centers

Patti Nott Season 2 Episode 5

Welcome back the the final episode in our five-part crash course in using Human Design for Business Growth.

In this episode we dive into the nine energy centers of Human Design. We look at the difference between defined and open or undefined centres and the areas of life, such as stress, emotions, motivation and identity, governed by each centre in your chart .

00:00 Welcome and series recap

00:39 Introduction to Energy Centers

00:52 Getting Started: Download your Free Foundational Roadmap

01:23 The Importance of Our Energy Centers

03:41 Head Center: Inspiration & Mental Pressure

04:45 Ajna Cener: Mental Awareness & Processing

06:04 Throat Center: Communication & Manifestation

07:06 G Center: Love, Direction & Identity

08:07 Ego Center: Willpower, Motivation & Self-Esteem

09:19 Solar Plexus Center: All Things Emotions

11:02 Sacral Center: Creativity & Vitality

12:45 Root Center: Stress & Drive

13:47 Spleen Center: Survival Instincts, Fear & Intuition

15:09 Series Wrap-up

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