Designed for Success | Business Growth Using Human Design

S2E6 | Why you don't need to know your Human Design to succeed

Patti Nott Season 2 Episode 6

In this episode, Patti explores why success in business does not necessarily require an understanding of one's human design or the assistance of a coach.

Sharing her personal journey of entrepreneurial endeavors, starting in 2004 with a successful online business, the host illustrates how intuitive actions aligned with her human design helped her succeed even before she knew what human design was. 

As a 6/2 Manifesting Generator, she reflects on her experiences of building businesses both without and with the knowledge of human design and coaching, ultimately finding that embracing her unique human design in business strategies led to the most authentic feeling business and ultimately success.

Emphasizing that human design can serve as a powerful tool for understanding one's natural talents and challenges, the host argues it offers a personalized path to achievement that aligns with one's authentic self. However, she clarifies that innovation and success are possible without this knowledge, advocating for experimentation and trusting oneself over strictly adhering to external advice or strategies.

00:00 Introduction: Debunking the Need for Human Design and Coaching
00:35 My Entrepreneurial Journey: From Ignorance to Insight
00:53 The Birth of My First Business: A Leap into Entrepreneurship
03:27 Navigating Success and Shifts: The Evolution of My Business Ventures
04:27 Discovering Life Coaching and Human Design: A New Direction
05:36 Integrating Human Design into Business: A Revolutionary Approach
06:28 The Power of Human Design in Business and Life
08:19 Conclusion: Embracing Your Unique Path to Success

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