Designed for Success | Business Growth Using Human Design

S2E3 | Business Growth Using Human Design (Part 3): Authorities 101

Patti Nott Season 2 Episode 3

Welcome to the third episode in this five-part series introducing Business Growth using Human Design.

In this episode Patti takes a deep dive into the seven authorities in Human Design. The focus is on understanding our internal guidance system for making our best, most aligned decisions in life and business.

Learn how not to rely solely on logical thinking in business and lean into your inner authority to harness your unique decision-making powers.

00:00 Welcome back & recap

00:45 Understanding your Authority in Human Design

02:49 Overview of the seven Authorities in Human Design & how they work with your    
              Type & Strategy

06:54  Emotional Authority 

09:20 Sacral Authority

11:15 Splenic Authority 

12:41  Ego Authority 

14:23 Self-Projected Authority

16:22 Mental Authority

17:48 Lunar Authority

19:45 Wrap up & what's next in the series

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