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From Zero To 8 Figures: An Interview With Corinne Crabtree

Patti Nott Episode 13

How to grow your coaching business from scratch. An inspiring discussion with Corinne Crabtree about her journey from zero to 8 figures.

On this week’s episode of the Getting Coaches Paid Podcast, I have a very special guest, CORINNE CRABTREE.

Corinne Crabree is a Master Certif ied Weight and Life Coach on a mission to help every woman break generational curses in order to improve their personal health and wealth.

We talk about lessons in growing your business, mistakes coaches make when they are starting out and get into some really juicy talk about the funnels she's using for her business right now.

You'll definitely want to take notes on this episode.

To find out more about how to work with Corinne you can find her at:

Losing 100 Podcast/No BS Weightloss Program
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No BS Business Women
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Instagram | @NoBSBusinessWomen
Advanced Weightloss Coaching Certification |
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Episode 13 
Getting Coaches Paid Podcast (Transcript)
From Zero to 8 Figures: A Conversation With Corinne Crabtree

Patti: On today's episode, I have a special guest who definitely knows a thing or two about building a profitable coaching business. She's a master certified weight and life coach and an entrepreneur who has built a thriving eight figure yes, I said eight online coaching business. She's helped tens of thousands of clients achieve their health and wellness goals through her no BS weight loss program and more recently.

Has added in business coaching where she's helping other coaches and online entrepreneurs build their businesses through her no BS businesswomen membership, and she runs an advanced certification where she teaches coaches and healthcare professionals how to become the expert. Their clients can't live without.

So if you haven't guessed who my guest is already, it's the one and only Corinne Crabtree. Welcome Corinne, and thanks so much for coming on the podcast. 

Corinne: Oh yeah. Thank you Patti. I'm excited to be here. I'm gonna talk all the things today. 

Patti: Perfect. So first up, I would love to hear sort of an overview about your business journey so far. So from scratch to eight figure.

Corinne: Okay, so, way back in the day, in like 2007, I had lost a hundred pounds and decided I wanted to help other people do it. I remember the day that I was standing in my bedroom, I was tucking my shirt in, which if you've lost a lot of weight, that's a monumental moment for you.

You're just like, Woohoo. I now tuck my shirt in and I was really smiling and happy and my husband walked in and he was, Why are you so happy? And I was like, I feel good about myself. And I, I don't think other women feel this way and I wanna help them feel this way. And so I knew I wanted to teach them how to lose weight and , I had zero business experience.

I had been a server. , I did work my way up through a restaurant company where I had made it to the training department and where I would take managers and teach them how to count their cash and not get robbed and like how not to be a jerk to your employees and things like that. But I didn't really have any  business experience.

I had a lot of experience being told what to do, and then I was really good at doing it. So I had a laptop and. I had time on my hands cuz my son was at Mother's Day Out. And I thought, well if I'm gonna help people lose weight, I think the first thing I need to do is figure out where did these people live on the Internets?

And so I would go to the Weight Watcher message boards because back then we didn't have Facebook. , we might have had MySpace at best. I mean, we just didn't have a lot of places to go hang out on the internet. And so I started gonna, the Weight Watchers message boards. I was answering questions and.

Noticed that I was answering the same questions over and over and over again. So I started a free blog. I thought, well, if I'm gonna answer lots of questions, I need a fast way to answer them. So I now can just link them to all my past answers. So if I did like a really good answer, I'd pop it as blog article, and then I would link people so that I could get to the new questions that people were  answering.

Then it dawned on me. Like people really liked what I had to say. I was getting a lot of people signing up to get their, my blog emailed to them every day. I'd go to the message boards, I'd start my own little thread called Ask the Trainer, and I was getting like 50 or 60 questions a day at some point.

And to me that was huge. And so I decided to send an email out and I thought, well, all these people that are reading my stuff, wanna ask 'em if they wanna pay me $20. And I will talk to them every day in email and help them lose their weight. And that was my first program, 20 bucks. And then I was like, well, how do you even take money?

I remember asking my husband, do you know how you can take money on the internet? Because I had only ever wrote checks or paid cash or use a credit card. So like, PayPal was even new back then for people like you just, you didn't do a lot of this stuff if you were just someone starting out.  And he told me, he was like, look up PayPal, Google that.

And so I looked it up, set it up, and I had a business. And that was like the early stages. All I did seriously for everybody listening. I had no education if I didn't know how to do something, I looked it up on the internet and I tried to find a free way to do it because I didn't have any backing. It wasn't like we could afford to fund my business or anything.

I just looked for free stuff all the time. Every now and then I'd have to pay for something and I would pay for it. Out of that $20 I was collecting from these random people, well, every time I had like, like I would notice a pattern. Where I could help more people. If I just did this, I would go find a way to make it happen.

So the people that I was talking to every day in email were saying the same stuff. I decided to put 'em all in a big group, be like, now we're gonna be in a Yahoo group and you can talk to me there so that you can see what other people are asking and you can learn and everything. That's literally how I grew my business.

I just kept. Finding solutions to the next problem to move faster, to help more people. And it was that, I think that mental construct that I had, that it was almost like, because I didn't know that there was a lot there. I'm sure there were ways to build a business online out there. I didn't know to look for it.

I just had to create it. And because I didn't know all that, I didn't sit around and think I can't do this. I was just like, oh, surely on the internet there's a way to do this. I would just go look for it all the time. So that's like the short story. And then about 2015, I went to Life Coach School, got certified.

It was the first time, like I was making about 20 - $30,000 a year, , from 2005 until 2015. Just like I never took my business seriously. I just always thought, oh, I just wanna help people. When I went to the life coach school, it was the first time another woman had said, you  know, you have a business, why aren't you growing it?

And I was like, what? I was like, what do you mean by growing it? And then when she just started saying like, I think back then it was, , you know, I was with Brooke Castillo at her training. She had went from 300,000 a year. She had worked her way up to 300 and it was the first year she was going for a million.

And she was just telling me like, yeah, we just need to like get serious and we need to think about our goals and what, and I was like, goals, what are you talking about? Like that was the first time I'd heard all that stuff. And once I got introduced to it, I just never looked back. Yeah. Every year I set goals and I went after them and I just kept applying though the same methodology, which is this is the goal I want.

So in order to get there, what do I gotta learn and what do I gotta do to make that happen? And that was it. 

Patti: Such good advice and they make so much sense. I think, I think you're right. I think nowadays a lot of people think they have to do all the things and they can't just start small. Cuz I, I'm with you.

I started my first online business in 2003 and I'm like, Used a book to build my website cuz that was how I could learn, 

Corinne: but we didn't know anything and no, like everything was hard. Yeah. Like nowadays, like you can just like plug and play an entire business system and just click on things and change the text.

I'm like, God, my first website that was some janky crap. And it was hard. And it took weeks to design. Yeah. And I stunk at it. 

Patti: Me too. Oh, that's so good. So , you've seen a lot of coaches and a lot of entrepreneurs come through the Life Coach school, but also through your new program, , or newish program, what are the biggest issues that you see holding coaches back when they're first starting out?

Corinne: I think the first one is over complicating things. Like, I always say, just tell everybody what you do. Like you, you know, don't go out and try to find and build a logo. And like they, they wanna have like mission statements right  out the gate and they wanna have all of these systems in place and stuff.

It's like, look. Whatever you are doing , like that first year, you're probably gonna throw it all away the second year and do other things. So don't spend a lot of money and a lot of time on perfecting things. It's more about. Just start talking about what you do. Number one . Like if you can't start talking to people about what you're gonna do, why do you think anybody'd ever wanna come look at your website?

Because the only way that you're gonna be able to even put copy on your website is if you effectively know how to talk about what you do. And the fastest way to learn that is you tell everybody and their mother, it doesn't matter if they're gonna hire you. And it doesn't matter if they're in your niche, the more you talk to people, you learn a lot of skills, number one.

You're gonna say it enough times where people are gonna look at you like you've got two, like, I don't know, dragons growing out your head and be like very confused about what you're doing. Every time that happens, they'll ask you  questions, you'll have to refine how you talk about it, and eventually you stumble upon the magic way to talk about it the way that fits.

It feels good. It makes sense. So the more you talk about it, you become a better copywriter. You become a better webinar person, you become a better consult call person, and you never know when you're talking to someone who knows someone who might want to pay you for what you do. Just because you tell one person who's not in your niche about what you do, it doesn't mean that they're not gonna be at dinner on Friday. Run into some rando at a bar. They have that problem. They're like, oh yeah, my friend the other day was telling me this is what she does. Let me give you her information. So you don't wanna cut yourself off with the knees. But I think the, in the early stages, it's trying to do two like. I'm trying to get too fancy, too fast.

Mm-hmm. It's like start basic. You don't wanna spend a lot of time on it because your messaging will change.  Everything about you and how you do things will change. So you don't need to put a lot of time and energy in on the front end. You just gotta get things going and get to talking. 

Patti: Love that. And yes, I totally agree. I see it all the time as well. I know that you're a big fan of balancing the how with the mindset work because yes, we need both of these things. But how important do you think the, or do you view the role of mindset work is in your personal success as a coach and entrepreneur and also the success of your clients?

Corinne: I think it's very important. But it needs to be time boxed. So I'm a big believer in coaches timeboxing. They're self coaching. , we tend to get really lost in it because we love coaching. And so we'll, like, oh my God, I'm not motivated in this moment. I should go and journal for like three hours and figure out what's wrong with me.

It's like nothing's wrong with you if it's new and it's hard. Get to work. Like you don't need to do a model. Like sometimes  I just wanna tell 'em, just put in your C line. Building a website is hard. Like you do not need to do thought work on that. This is just like a universal fact. So for me, the way that I have dealt always done it is first thing in the morning.

I do journal, I plan, I consider planning my day, part of my journaling. Mm-hmm. I lay out what I'm gonna do. I like write about like, is there anything I'm worried that I can't do today? How am I gonna solve that? , how can I show up like by the end of the day, how can I end the day knowing that I've won?

Like, I will do some writing about that. And if I wake up and I feel particularly gross, then I'll just free journal and kind of work through my thoughts. But no more than 30 minutes. And when that's done, I just go to work. And if I catch myself during the day, not feeling like it, I just say like, girl, this is that moment where we get to work when we don't feel like it.

You know, it's so funny to me, like  with coaches, it would be like saying, I've got a baby, and every day this little kid tends to just crap their pants like a religion. I don't feel like doing diapers today, so I need to go do a model and let 'em sit in their dirty diaper until motivation, belief that I'm a good mother and, , excitement about poop erupts from my soul.

It's like, you know, you do things you don't like all the time. It's like you're gonna also do that when you work. Like, and when you work for yourself, , it's gonna be magnified and it's not gonna be. Because of anything other than like deep insecurities and stuff. But we like, if you wait to solve all of your doubts and insecurities and fears and stuff to start taking action, you won't have a business.

So I think they have to be done. At the same time, we plan what we're gonna do  and sometimes we don't love what we're doing. Sometimes it is insecurities and stuff. You save that for your morning or your afternoon journaling if you wanna journal in the evenings afterwards. Sometimes I do just depends.

But when it's time to go to work, I'm not spending a lot of time coaching myself. If I'm in the moment having a crappy moment, I might tell myself, you're all right. We can do this. I knew you would think this. It's okay. Just keep going. Can I just, I use that all the time. I hate writing scripts and copy. I have done all my thought work, like I know I'm good at it.

Like this is what's so crazy. I'm really good at it. It ain't that hard. I am like, make money every time I do it, have every reason to be excited. And yet when it's time I'm like, Ugh, I'd rather do anything than to sit here and do this. And I just always tell myself, can you just write the first few paragraphs, can  you just get like two social posts done?

Once I grease the wheel, I'm over the dread and I'm just working and I'm always surprised at how much I can get done, but I just, I think we just have to, you have to, as a coach, know when you actually are getting Hamed up because you. Real insecurities and stuff that need work in your journal. And when it's just run of the mill, we're not gonna like, everything we do, we're just gonna do it anyway.

Patti: Love that. That makes so much sense. I love, can I just get through that first outline, first few paragraphs? It makes so much sense. So if I'm correct, your advanced certification opened, well today we're recording this on April 1st, so it's opened. Today what? As of today. As of today. That's awesome.

How long are applications open? Just till it fills?

Corinne: Or through the 14th or the 10th or something like that? Like, I'm not a hundred percent. In fact, I closed off my  Asana task that had the date, but I think it, it may be the 10th and then we're gonna tell everybody on the 14th or something like that, who got in and stuff.

Patti: Awesome. What drove you to create the advanced certification in the first place? It was a really good opportunity for me because, , so one of the nice things about when you're an entrepreneur is you're always gonna have people, like other businesses around you, and sometimes you have very complimentary businesses.

So at the Life Coach School, people get certified to become a coach and while they teach a little bit about weight loss, they don't have like, what I would call the deep cuts version. And, , Brooke Castillo, who was over the life coach school, she didn't wanna do deep cuts weight loss. She wanted to do like life coaching.

She wanted to be able to put people out into the world who are excellent life coaches and then have like master coach training. So I was offered the idea of like, would you wanna do an advanced certification? Like I would like to have more of my coaches be able to continue their education  in certain realms and so.

It was very just complimentary at the time. So that's how I got into it. And cuz I told her, I said, you know, I have a mission and my mission is to teach every woman how to lose her weight for good and feel as amazing as she deserves. And when I wrote the mission, I argued with myself about how am I gonna teach every woman.

Because that's lofty and big, but when you're creating your own mission statements, you always want there to be some impossibility in it. Like it needs to be unachievable so that you're always just going for all of it. And I realized that when that opportunity presented, that that was gonna be my chance.

To like spread what I think weight loss is, cuz my mission, like my other mission is to redefine the weight loss industry. And if I can teach other people how to do that, how to teach what I teach, like the emotional components, the  diet trauma stuff, the basics, the common sense parts of it. Every woman actually has a chance at some point to hear this message if there's more than just Corrine doing it.

And so that's how it all came to be. And then this year is the first year that we're opening it up outside of LCS. So I'm not necessarily just, you know, like if you're an LCS coach, you're welcome to be in our program, but , we've decided to go on our own so that doctors, you know, like for me, I have a huge passion for physicians. They are the ones that talk to the most obese people, the most People who need weight loss help, and they are the most undereducated and they will agree. Like, we don't get training, they don't teach us. We have to just figure out what we're gonna teach or tell people. So I really wanna be able to help them have compassionate conversations, understand what's going on in your client's head and help them to. Be able to help their clients in ways that they never thought that they could. So that's, that's what it, that's how it started and this is what it's evolved and become. And it just serves that mission of how are we gonna teach every woman, this is how we're gonna teach every woman. 

Patti: That is so amazing. I love that. Well, I love your whole mission of how you are debunking the diet industry. Yeah, it's one of my favorite things. , another thing that I have, cuz I've been following you for a really long time. I remember listening to a podcast where Brooke interviewed you and a few other coaches when I think it was when you were making your first a $100 K, so like back in like 2017.

So fascinating.  But what I also love about that is that no matter, like you're pretty far along in your journey and you always show up and do the work and you're at all of the courses and you're right up there. Doing all the work. And I know right now you and I are both in Bev Aaron's Deep Dive Certification.

Yes. Mm-hmm. Just finishing it up. , how do you  think that that's impacted your coaching? Have you noticed any changes in the way you coach or are there ways you're implementing what you're learning into your own programs through that? 

Corinne: For sure. So, , a couple things that I've done recently is, , I got invited by the Life Coach School to be, a co master instructor for the master coach training because I have a very distinct style.

So over the years, I kind of just went rogue anyway, I was just like, well, I think I wanna teach things this way. Like when you've coached thousands of people, you start really realizing. Here's parts that I didn't learn that are missing or this my clients are always struggling with. So I kind of reworked and we call it the four ends where I'm in, in my business, we don't teach the traditional model anymore and we traded it in for this other, , like way for my clients to process it.

I feel like more accessible to the everyday person and that also addresses not judging our thoughts. And so, I started kind of like through master coach training. I got to see the other master coaches and how they were critiquing. I was like, Ooh, I love the questions they're asking. And of course Bev is the co-lead with me in there.

So I got to see her workshops combined with my workshops. And then I decided to take her deep dive because one of the things I really wanted, That I know that my weight loss clients need is a lot of healing of like, and trust that they can feel things like a lot of people in weight loss, they get very conditioned by the diet industry that they can't trust their body anymore and they can't trust their gut and they can't trust their inner wisdom.

And so I've spent a lot of time in the last year and a half getting trainings and stuff more on like, not just changing how we think, but really figuring out like, how do you cultivate trust? How do you feel more of your feelings? How do you create  safety for yourself? Safety around food safety in your relationship with your body.

 I would say in the last year especially, my coaching has changed a lot. It's gotten, I used to just rail and teach and ask a few questions. Mm-hmm. And now when you watch my coaching, you'll see I ask a lot more pointed questions, a lot more deeper questions. , and that's what I wanna teach in that advanced certification.

Cuz I think that , when we go through school, especially, LCS, like whatever coaching organization you're in, their job is to make sure that you know how to go and serve clients. Their job isn't to take you, you know, like all the way to the moon. Their job is to make sure that everybody that comes out will do a good job.

My job in advanced certification is to take it from being able to do a good job, to being able to do it faster, more efficient, and more impactful. It doesn't mean that like when you come through that somehow you're like a better coach. It just means that you're more efficient, your clients can get results faster, you can cover more ground with them quicker.

And there are just coaching shortcuts and there are things that we can do that, you know, , like just knowing which clients are in for the feelings work and some are not. So you go to other methods. I just think it's important for coaches to not stop their education. At just what they learned there.

But I do wanna say this, and I don't know if you were gonna ask me about it, but I also believe we have to balance consuming with doing, I watch a lot of coaches. I never want a coach to join my certification, who's not doing all of it, because we can, we can trick ourselves into believing that learning is working, learning is not working at some point.

You gotta go out and you gotta start, like if you  want to be paid, you gotta start getting paid and you gotta stop trying to be a better coach because for some of you, you're never gonna learn enough. What you're really gonna do is you're gonna coach people, and that's gonna be your best learning. So I like for people to combine both.

It's like if you're gonna do self-development, you should be applying it somewhere. Either that is with clients in your business or you put a pause on learning more about coaching so that you can go get some clients and you can practice. You could be the most studied and best coach in the world, but if you don't have any clients, you are not the best coach in the world.

Yeah, no one's benefiting from all of your studying unless you're doing it for yourself. Now, if you're doing it for yourself, that's one thing, but if you really wanna be a paid coach, you've really gotta go get some people. That's the fastest way to hone your skills.

Patti: Totally cuz yeah, they won't pay us for learning, even though I wish they would because I am a such a coaching nerd that I'm like, could someone just pay  me and I'll take all the courses and do all the things.

Corinne: Me too. But you're right, If I can get, if I can get paid what I'm making in this business to sit back and self-study all the time, I'd be like, all in.

Patti: Yeah. Where do I sign up? Totally. , I'm gonna pivot a little bit and ask you, , I love teaching about funnels because I think it's just an amazing way to. In front, more eyeballs on people's work. Mm-hmm. And I, what I see a lot is that coaches have the smallest data points and make big conclusions about them. So I recently heard, tell me if I'm wrong, but I recently heard that you guys have had, or you've had a million people, take your free lead magnet, your free weight loss course.

Yes. Which is phenomenal like that, the impact that that alone is making. Yeah, it, you know, is fulfilling your mission. , but, and I don't know if you know the numbers, so you can just gimme an estimate, but like of those million people that have taken your course, how many people do you think you have paid you  money?

Corinne: Like 1%. Probably. Like, literally one of the things that, like, I don't think people re listen. I'm always talking about, you know, like scale and all this other stuff. It's like our target is to convert 1%. Of all the people that come through our funnel into a paid member. Like if we can be converting at 1%, it's making us all kinds of money and people like 1% seems like a lot of work.

It's like, yeah, but not everybody's your fit. This is like a really clear indicator. Now, wouldn't I love two to 5%? I certainly would, but I don't think people understand that when it comes to your lead magnet and stuff, it. Mine's pretty dialed in, and I still attract a lot of people who are just like, no, no, no, not for me.

I don't wanna do emotion work. I don't like cussing. She's too southern. Like, there's a thousand reasons why somebody's not gonna like me, you know? And, and a lot of the  reasons I'm never gonna change. Like, I'm not gonna quit cussing. I'm not, somehow, I'll never get rid of the southern accent. I can get rid of cussing a lot easier than a southern accent.

But it's like we just have to remember like it's, the percentages are so much lower. That's why it's really important for you to get 'em started. You gotta pump people through and you don't make it personal. Could you imagine if I sat around every day and thought about the 99% of the people who said, I don't like her.

I would be in my bed. I'd be under the bed. I wouldn't even be in the bed every day. So, yeah, I mean, we convert like 1%. That's been about the average this whole time. Sometimes we've bid a little higher, sometimes we've been lower. But 1% is, is That's proven true. Also on the business side. So we, on the business membership, we started running ads and funnels and stuff.

Converts about one percent.

Patti: That's amazing and that's such good information for new entrepreneurs to know because I think they have this, well, I think what happens is that they're looking at like the super successful coaches and making up stories about how much they convert and because it's all they're seeing and Right.

So they're assuming that. They're converting at, you know, 20 to 50%, you know, of everybody who sees it. So they think something's gone wrong when they're just starting out and 10 people have seen it and no one's said yes yet. I'm like, no, you don't have enough data. Keep going. 

Corinne: I know, and it does take a lot of data like that is, I'm so glad you teach that because I try to teach too the same thing.

It's like we need to get more people through before you can make an informed decision about what is the next thing to change? What is the thing to tweak? You know, especially when it comes to funnels, I watch, like the biggest mistake I see most of the entrepreneurs we work with do is throw out a funnel and start all over.

When there were, they never just tweaked different points like learning. Which levers to pull until you're like, okay, like, like this free course one. It's been running for a long time. I've been very fortunate that it's had. The endurance that it's like a ultramarathoner at this point. Usually funnels don't last you that long, but it has definitely, we have tweaked it and done it to death at this point.

And our per our percent has been dropping below the one. So we are now doing something called Funnel Factory in our business where we are producing three brand new test funnels every single week. Oh wow. And that means three ideas. With, and we run ads. You don't have to do this with ads. I mean, you could test, you could do this different ways, but the reason why we can do three a week is I'm gonna be able to throw a lot of cash at it.

Of course. So, yeah. So that's why we can do it, because we can like pump people through. If you are, if you don't have a lot of money to throw at it with ads, don't do this idea. Like maybe you push like one a month through or something along those lines. But we're doing  three, which means we have to be very creative.

Cannot be a perfectionist. I told my team C minus work every one of them. Like get the opt-in page up, like, and then we're just gonna make tweaks and we're gonna just test them against each other all the time until we find some that work. And that's what our work is right now. And we're just watching those numbers and doing the same thing and not making it mean something's wrong with us because a funnel stopped working. I've got this one funnel that was my baby. And I put a, I put way too much energy and effort in, but I was like, oh, it's gonna kill. Like, I just knew it, like I would've bet my house on this. No one liked it. It never converted better than 0.02%. Wow. No matter what we did. And so now we've turned it into a webinar for warm traffic.

I was like, well, let's not throw it all away. Now we're just testing the next thing. It's like, all right, no cold traffic wants this. No one wants to see an ad, and obviously nobody wants to join because of this. So, Maybe this would be a topic that somebody who's already been in our atmosphere, this is something that they most want.

And so that's one we started testing this week is now we're running it as a warm traffic live class with me until I teach it so well and it converts that will now add it into that cycle. So I don't know if you teach this, but we. Our normal, I'll get you in with the free course, the million dollar or the million people one.

And then we have, what we're building is a 90 day sales sequence after that. So for 90 days, if you come into my world, you're gonna go in and out of the same offer, but with like, it's almost like going through different funnels. So it's like, right now they're, some people are going through what's called the fail funnel, which means, , I'm gonna talk to them about, Three reasons why, , your diets haven't worked in  the past.

And so we get 'em to watch that video and then they watch that video. Then we talk to them about like, now maybe is your time to join. And then we give them some value emails. And then about seven days later, they enter another one where they get another like different free training. Like we're just always trying to, to like talk to them in different ways until we figure out.

What are the best ones and then we'll resync all of that. So it's like, well, maybe this one gets a lot of people, so if that fail funnel works, but it's the fourth in the sequence, we may move it up to, all right, if they say no to the first offer, this will be the next offer they get, and we'll see how it tests there.

So it's just a lot of testing and a lot of people saying no all the time until you figure out like, oh, finally we found something where somebody is saying yes. 

Patti: So good. Well, thank you. That was amazing.I am gonna of course link up everything in the show notes, but is there any, like, do you wanna tell people where they can find you? Do you want to share anything else with these last few minutes? 

Corinne: Yeah, so if you're interested, like if you want to do the advanced certification, I only do it once a year. , we did it twice in one year and I was like, hmm. It's a little heavy for my team to have to go that deep with people. We spend a lot of time with people during that three month period, so that takes us away from the rest of the business, and we don't wanna do that too much.

So that's just a tip for all of your people is be, you know, when you have offers, be really careful that you don't have one offer. That cannibalizes another offer. So you always wanna balance things, but you can go to and you can get information about advanced training. If you just want like weight loss help, you can listen to my podcast Losing 100 Pounds with Corrine.

Or you can take that free course. It may be changed out by the time you get this because I am testing so many. But if you go to, you will get to see the current, , the current funnel that I'm running. 

Patti: Okay. Well thank you so much for coming on today. 

Corinne: Yeah, thank you.